More than 60 immigrant families benefited from the second day of aid from LAC

Charlotte-NC. Last 2022 was a year where hundreds of families headed towards the United States in search of a better future, some of them arrived in the city of Charlotte directly from the Texas border, without a dollar in their pocket, so they immediately They were helped by the Latin American Coalition.

November 19 was the first day of aid to these new members of the Hispanic community in which they were given coats and food at the beginning of a harsh winter. The Latin American Coalition benefited 30 families, approximately 100 people between adults and children, in the group were Venezuelans, Colombians, Nicaraguans, Cubans and other nationalities.

Diego Torres, Specialist in the Integration of Immigrants from Latin American Coalition, recounted the experience lived in the first and second days of helping the new members of the community and assured that this time the help was extended to more families. "Last November 19 was our first charity event, many people have been arriving since November across the border, very needy and practically with nothing, so they went to Latin American Coalition to ask for coats, jackets and blankets. As organization we were able to assist them and on this second day we helped even a greater number of families," said Torres.

The Coalition, with the help of the families assisted on the first day, obtained data from other families in need who were unaware of the benefits of The Coalition. "Already on the first day we were able to collect information in an organized manner to carry out a more accurate count of people in need, so on this second day, the organization had a greater reach, benefiting at least 60 immigrant families. In a closed event They were given food, jackets, coats and they were able to participate in the internal vaccination day against COVID-19 and the flu," said the Immigrant Integration Specialist of La Coalición.

Sponsors and participants of the event

Blue cross.
Charlotte Catholic charities.
Hispanic Federation.
Colombian Association.
Alliance of Venezuelans in Charlotte.
Health Department,
health Department COVID Team.
Health Department TB/ Refugee Program.
Mental Health America.
Project 658.
Hope community Clinic.
Meck Min.
Just Serve
The Americas Restaurant
Espinosa Law-Immigration & Nationality Firm